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CoaH Stallion: Enyalius



Registered Name: CoaH Enyalius – (“Spartan War God”)
Barn Name: Innis
Bloodline: Foundation
Breed: CL Harlequin - Arabian type
Gender: Stallion
Height: 16 hh
Weight: 1,110 lbs
Age: 7
Eyes: Electric green
Color: Black, Red, and White
  • Black knees
  • Eye tear
  • Rump “burst” pattern

  • 3-Day Evening
  • Jousting
  • Barrel Racing

Body: Stout
Type: Warrior; Defender
Vice: Possessive
Quirk: “Organizing” his mares

------------------------------------ BREEDING ------------------------------------

Genetics: Will not be bred to another CL Harlequin. Will throw generally normal colored foals. He will only throw colors and markings if bred to a BL Harlequin. Prone to throw bays and black. 20% chance of passing green eyes to any foal. Most foals will be very versatile, excelling in many different types of riding and styles. Most foals will acquire strength, and wit from him, but will be weak in cart pulling, or sulky racing.

Restrictions: BL Harlequins and Normal breeds only.
Status: Closed

Booking List:
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------------------------------------ BACKGROUND ------------------------------------

Personality: A stallion born a warrior, a fighter, and a defender, Enyalius is the descendant of Spartan war horses. These great horses were trained just as their riders; to feel neither fear nor pain, but to carry on in battle until victory or until death. Engraved in these horses like it was their own blood, their fighting spirit never faded from each passing generation. Enyalius is a typically down to earth stallion, but as most Harlequins, he is mentally damaged. He must be watched and ridden carefully, or he will stake territory and claim others, geldings and mares alike, fighting for them as though he were King. Innis, so affectionately nicknamed, will tolerate other stallions, so long as they pose no threat. Often times he will allow them into his band if they are aware of their place. It has been recorded that Enyalius had killed two younger stallions that had threatened his space and authority, but most people won’t admit the accident ever happened to protect the horse from being destroyed.
Innis seems to enjoy somewhat of a structure in his herd, if ever given the chance to create one. To him, his riders are more than just something he carries like he were a chariot, they are his partner; embedded in his blood from his ancestors. He tends to go to great lengths in any task a human asks of him. He is, as well, a very quick-witted stallion, capable of being one step ahead of his rider, but always staying on the same level. Because of these traits, Innis is able to excel in most any type of situation and style we put him in. His strength and will to compete makes him a top performing three day-eventer. Enyalius is one of the few versatile horses at CoaH that is trained in both Western and English.

History: It was only a year ago that Richard had taken Melody to the fine dinning attraction called Medieval Times. It had been a surprise to get Melody away from the farm for just a day, to relax and enjoy the world outside of CoaH, but Richard never expected it would lead to a year long controversy to claim ownership of one stocky Harlequin stallion.
As the show began, something had caught Melody’s attention. Under the heavy, glimmering silver armor of one of the knights, she recognized the bright blood red, and silky black markings of a Harlequin. She could not see much else of the horse, as he was dressed in a fine costume of banners and heavy steel plates. “War horses of Sparta!” a deep, rolling voice announced over the crowd, “Horses bred like their owners; warriors! To feel no pain, to feel no fear, to feel no remorse for the blood they spill.” The Harlequin took center with a very steady and dancing gait. He gave a loud snort, as though it were on cue. “Even to his enemies, they are not just horse and rider. They are not just master and beast. They are one. They are terrifying. They are a unit of war, and of destruction.” The stallion lifted from the ground, his front end seeming incredibly powerful and high in the air.
“Traitors! Thieves! Enemies of Sparta! Remember this day! For it is your last! Your children will always remember the name…” the crowd began to stir. The stud in the center ring rose again, thrusting into the air with a powerful leap. The fog surrounding the horse danced around him as he cut through it, the silver gleaming like the blade of a sword. The lights dropped when his hooves touched the ground.
“ENYALIUS!” the voice boomed, and the crowd erupted into screams..

Melody found herself pressed against the plastic of his viewing stall after the show. Richard had given up trying to move her, and went off to mingle with the other spectators. Enyalius seemed to have no interest other than the hay in his bucket. Melody wanted to tap on the plastic barrier to get his attention, but the sign clearly stating not to was kind of a deterrent. It wasn’t long ago when horses like Enyalius would have had a massive crowd surrounding his viewing stall, but Harlequins were becoming very common now-a-days… or maybe people were just more interested in the food and sword fights in these kind of places.
“Melody?” a male voice questioned.
She turned, looking at a tall man, his black hair in a loose wave and cut short; his brown eyes gleaming with some sort of remembrance.
“My my! Melody! Melody Riddle. It is you!” he said gleefully, taking her hand into his, shaking it with excitement.
She could say nothing. She stared at him, wondering where she had met him.. or if he had just been crazy.
“Not surprising you don’t remember me,” he said with something short of embarrassment. “I’m Thomas Ridick. I was a partner of your father’s. He was a fine man. You were just a toddler bouncing around on a little fuzzy pony when I last saw you. My! How the time has gone by,” he explained, seeming to never take a breath. “The years have done wonders for you. What a beautiful lady you have become!” he said with a proud sense, like a father would.
With this, Richard came up from behind Melody, placing his hands protectively on her shoulders. “May we help you?”
Thomas looked at Richard, tilting his head slightly.
“This is Richard. He helps me with the farm. He’s done a lot for me since my parent’s death,” Melody said, her voice trailing off towards the end.
“What a fine man you are, Richard. You must have a heart for Melody to care for her all this time.”
“I do,” he said, still staring at Thomas in uncertainty.
“My son is about your age,” he said, smiling at the two. “You still have kept up Feather River Farm?”
“Chronicles of a Hero now,” Melody corrected. “We got rid of the thoroughbreds, but yes, we still have the farm in upkeep.”
“Your parents would be proud!” Thomas smiled, then looked over at Enyalius. “I see you’ve taken a fancy to Innis. A fine horse he is, isn’t he?”
“Yes. Where did you come across him?”
“Renaissance fair. The owner told us he is a descendant of Spartan war horses, claims he even has proof.”
“You mean to say he’s a Bloodline Harlequin?”
“So we’ve been told. The gentleman was kind enough to show me the papers, but would not let me purchase them with him. He says it’s the only memory he’ll have of his colt. I offered a large price, a price big enough to buy 10 more fine jousting horses, but he refused. I didn’t want to much argue any more for fear of losing the sale on the colt. He used to be a trick pony and jousting horse at the fair,” Thomas said, leaning against the plastic. Innis then turned, flashing striking green eyes.
“I could afford a greater price,” Melody said, her eyes clear of most emotion.
Thomas couldn’t help but laugh. “You want to buy my Enyalius?”
“Yes,” she said simply. She felt Richard ready to interject, but she gave him a tight squeeze on the hand.
Thomas laughed. “I’m sorry. I may have known your father very well and even remember you in diapers, but nothing could convince me to sell Innis. Any other horse and I might consider,” he said with a smile.
“No. Him,” she said.
Thomas’ laughed faded quickly. “I’m sorry, Melody. He’s not for sale.”
She turned to the horse, then back to Tom. “Why don’t you and your son come over to farm? I’m sure you’re wondering what has become of it.”
Thomas was unsure of the quick subject change, but agreed with a nod. “That would be a fine idea.”
Melody wrote down the information on a napkin, handing it to Tom. “See you soon,” she smiled, then turned away.
Thomas didn’t know to smile or to frown.

A few months slid by until Thomas and his son made a visit to the regal farm of CoaH. Melody sat at an old, large red cherry oak desk, thumbing through some papers. She heard a frantic scamper of paws stumble across the wooden floor in the next room, swiftly followed by the proud yip-like-bark of her male Papillon, Ulfric.
“Visitors!” Richard’s voice echoed through the manor.
Melody stood to greet her guests, trying to listen to the conversation.
“Allow me to get her.”
“No no, that’s quite fine. I know my way around here. Not much has changed,” Thomas Ridick said. Melody sighed at the sound of his voice, then moved into the room they were all in.
“You made it,” she said, her lips forced into a smile.
“Indeed,” he said. “You remember my boy, yes?” At his side was a man of no more than the age of 26. His hair was pitch black, in a natural wave that reminded Melody of the ocean. His skin was tanned, perhaps even naturally so. He looked much like his father, but a little shorter, perhaps by an inch or two. His eyes had escaped from being the dull brown of his father’s; instead they were clouded by green, a swirling hazel color. “Thomas Vaughn Ridick Jr,” he introduced.
“I’m sure you do not remember our days as cops and robbers,” he smiled, his voice surprisingly smooth. He lifted Melody's hand into his, giving it a light kiss; something only seen in movies.
Heat rose into her cheeks. She pulled her hand away quickly, a burst of raw emotions flooding her thoughts. “No,” she said, staring into familiar hazel eyes.
“This is for you,” Mr. Ridick said, handing her an old photograph.
She looked at it. There she was, small and sitting on a plastic rocking horse at the age for 4. Next to her was a small boy, his son she assumed. He was dressed in and over-sized cowboy hat that covered his eyes. All one could see was a big smile on the face of the 5 year old. The picture was rather cute. She couldn’t help but to smile.
“ Perhaps we owe you a tour?” Richard said, standing close behind Melody.

That day ended in an argument of purchasing the stallion Enyalius. Thomas still refused, and Melody still refused to give up. Mr. Ridick’s son had very little to say that evening, taking much attention to the horses of the farm, his eyes shifting as though he were trying to find something familiar. All the ponies he remembered in his days as a child where now gone. There was little for him to say.
That day faded into the months and into the seasons. She eventually lost word from them again, as she did when she was a kid. Melody made another attempt to visit the stallion, but he was no longer in the viewing stall he was in just under a year ago. Infact, many of the viewing stalls were empty. She tried to forget of the horse, but his burning green eyes were too hard to ignore…

Winter had been harsh to the farm; snow and icy rain making much of the farms daily activities and training difficult. Melody sat on the white couch of her large living room, partially leaned against Richard. They watched a movie, glancing out at the snow falling in the dark evening sky. Ulfric curled himself in the crevasse of Melody and the couch, dozing off. A knock at the door startled Melody, sending the small dog into a jump. In a confused frenzy, the dog began to bark, leaping towards the door. Melody stood up, following Ulfric. The knocked sounded again. She opened one of the large, heavy oak doors, met by warm hazel eyes.
“Thomas? What’re you doing here?” she said, a bit surprised to see him of all people at her doorway.
“Thought I would pay a visit,” he said, never smiling.
She looked at him, snow almost piled on his shoulders. The tan color of his skin had drained, and though his eyes still held that warmth they always had, there was something disturbing behind them.
“Come in,” she said, stepping aside.
He came in, brushing by her like a cold wind. He moved into the dinning room, taking up a seat in one of the chairs.
“What brings you out here, Tom?” Melody said quietly, moving into the room with him. Richard leaned against the doorway, watching.
Thomas never looked at her. “My father.”
“Did he have business with us?”
“You could call it that I suppose…” Tom said, staring at his hands which had begun to shake. “He’s dead.”
Melody’s eyes widened. “I… Tom.. I.. I’m sorry.”
“He did it to himself. His business went under. He lost all of his horses, most of his money. He became so consumed with his loss that he forgot about his family…”
Melody took a chair beside him, trying to meet his gaze. “I mean, my parents had always been a little unsure, but this pushed it. My mother left him.”
“I really don’t know what to say, Tom. Do you need help?”
He shook his head. “I came here to give you something. My father clung very desperately onto one thing; his horse Enyalius. After his suicide, the horse was given to me. I don’t want him. I don’t need him. I remembered you.” He rose to his feet, something like anger now rushing over his face. “I’m selling my father’s estate. The horse is still there. If you want him, you can come get him.”
Melody nodded, staying seated.
There was a pause. “I’ll see to it that the horse is ready for you.” Thomas turned on his heels, walking passed Richard.
Melody looked at the table, then rushed to her feet. “Tom!” she called out, racing to catch up to him before he could leave. She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his back. Thomas could feel tears stain his shirt, but he didn’t move.
Melody whispered, “I do remember our games of cops and robbers…”

--------------------------- ACHIEVMENTS & CHAMPIONSHIPS ----------------------------

CLASS: Cross Country
RANK: :bulletblack: 18th

------------------------------------ EXTRA ------------------------------------

Artist Note: :giggle: Oo la la, Thomas Vaughn Ridick Jr. A new love interest for Melody? ;) Nahh, can’t be! Not with Richard around. Hehe.
SO, I was given the chance to adopt this more than gorgeous stallion from the ever fabulous joelieisqueen. I always seem to fall in love with her designs. ;P
I knew this guy HAD to be perfect. I just didn’t expect his history would be 4 pages long.. happy reading!! xD

:bulletred: Credits: :bulletred:

Horse Design © :iconjoelieisqueen:
Artwork & Story © :iconblackglassbutterfly:
Image size
902x784px 1015.96 KB
© 2009 - 2024 BlackGlassButterfly
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valwolfpaw's avatar
Awesome work! :)